Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Plan

So I'm trying to support a local charity - The Sheepfold, a shelter and ministry that provides housing, training, and other support for homeless and abused women with children.

Here's the idea: I've got $5. If you're willing, I will give you the $5 if you give me something in return that you think is worth at least $5.

I will then continue trading with other people until I can't make any more trades, or until I find a perfect item to donate to The Sheepfold.

At the end, I'll either donate the item directly to The Sheepfold, or sell it and donate the money instead.

I've been inspired by "The Red Paperclip Guy" ( and my church to try to do something big ( My church as a whole (The Crossing) is trying to do something big to make a difference in the lives of people around us.

Keep reading this blog to find out about the trades I make and see what I have available for trading!


Anonymous said...

Love your plan!!
Looking forward to hearing about all the good trades you make and things you end up with. Sounds like a good and worthy cause. Can any woman go to the shelter or do they have to have some sort of religious vetting to get in?

Estelle said...

No, I believe that the Sheepfold will take women that are of different beliefs, but the shelter is one that is focused on long-term change for women, and there are Bible studies that are part of the daily/weekly routines, along with house cleaning and counseling, etc.

Here's a link to their goals/schedules for recovery: